ÆTHER/MASS is the design studio of Davy Grosemans. He describes his unique and experimental creations as ‘objects in search of meaning’.
ÆTHER/MASS emerged from a belief in the collaboration between designer and maker. Each piece is treated as an exploration of new materials and production techniques, applied in unconventional ways. The emphasis is on the creative process and collaboration with artisans, free from market logic or trends, culminating in exceptional collections characterized by meticulous attention to detail and finishing.
The emphasis lies not so much on the function of the objects but rather on their expressive qualities. ÆTHER/MASS consistently strives to delve into the essence of each object. How far can you manipulate the meaning or function to the extent that it loses its original function or undergoes a shift in significance? What subtle intervention or deliberate detail can be added to enhance the object’s depth and meaning?
Restricting each edition to 12 pieces allows for sufficient time and space to persist in creating experimental, one-of-a-kind, and expressive works. The fulfillment derives from the creative process and collaboration, wherein the path from concept to final prototype carries at least as much significance as the ultimate outcome.