Rebeca Cors
Rebeca Cors (México,1988). Cors' work oscillates between sculpture and function, studying its limits and meeting points. As a result, Cor’s creates Abstract Sculptures -and- Utility Sculptures.
The materialized compositions embody simplicity and balance.
Simplicity is not a lack of content – but the synthesis of the complex.
The artwork's origin comes from a place of inner peace, the materials and hands that materialize the piece add the same intention – as a result, the works convey and propagate this serenity.
Human beings surround themselves with objects throughout their existence; The intention of the artwork is to emanate peace — An object charged with meaning and emotion, that virtues the space it inhabits, that leads us to a state of contemplative meditation, in which the world around us seems to disappear for an instant, time vanishes and we enter this intimate human-object moment, where a non-verbal dialogue with the sculptural piece takes place.